May 9, 2010


mom and dad 1960


  1. Wow, fashion illustration, photography, caricatures, is there nothing you can't do?
    I am particularly impressed with your watercolor work which you make look effortless and I know first hand it is not.
    Have you checked out "Illustration Friday" you may enjoy it, google it.
    The only negative words I have to say concern your own negative words. Please remove the words "meaningless art" from the top of your page. Your art brings you and your readers joy but you already know this.
    I will check back in a few days and slap you upside your head if this change is not made. OK? OK.
    X David

  2. I am relieved to find that I do not have to buy galoshes and hike through the woods to smack you upside your head.
    Your right. there is power in words but I had no idea how immediate the effect would be.
    I am actually humbled by the fact that you listened to me at all so we are both eating a slice of that pie.
    I'll do the dessert dishes if you go draw something new.
    X David


Any thoughts....